Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ugly word list

This is an entry that will be updated periodically as I happen upon words that strike me as ugly. These are the kinds of terms that either sound ugly or make you feel squeamish inside. And now the ever-growing list:

* moist
* pus
* slacks
* nougat
* persnickety
* tiddlywinks
* slut
* lug nut (okay technically two words)
* pew
* hootenanny
* mucus
* bimbo
* morsel
* succulent
* fastidious
* ogre
* obese
* shanty
* sluggish
* chunky (or chunks)
* lederhosen
* sauerkraut
* snort
* ooze
* grope
* bequeath
* maladroit
* bust
* stupor
* plump
* mutilate
* chafe
* kife (if you're from Utah)
* echinacea
* snark
* odoriferous
* masticate
* vestibule
* crotchety
* honky-tonk
* voluptuous
* chigger
* slanty
* leech
* goiter
* sticky wicket (also technically two words, but hilarious nonetheless)
* vacuous
* hoary
* hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (yes it's legit, google it if you don't believe me... it means the fear of long words, LOL!)

1 comment:

  1. I love this list. Many of my contributions can be found amongst these words. :D
