Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Ugly Day!!!

Once a year we have an ugly day corresponding to the date which this year falls upon 10/10/10. Last year 'twas 09/09/09, year before 08/08/08 and so on. For those panicking and wondering what we do after 2012... don't worry we can always go with 01/03/13. That's of course assuming the world still exists at that point, what with the alleged prophesies and all. For viewing pleasure or displeasure, I've posted more than the typical daily amount of posts today to commemorate.

Laffy Taffy

Ever need an ugly joke? Pick up a Laffy Taffy and get ready to gag. Literally. Observe the following:

* What did the boy chip say to the girl chip (crisp for the Brits)? -- Let's dance and I'll dip you.

* What do sneezes wear on their feet? -- ahh-shoes

* Where did the kittens go on the class trip -- to the meow-seum.

* What do you do if a rhino charges you? -- Give him your credit card.

Today's ugly day winner.... (drum roll).....

* What do you call a hot dog in a bun? -- an in betweenie weenie.

Animated LOTR

What is it with animations and having so much likelihood at turning out totally bizarre and deranged? One need merely peruse this blog to see plenty of examples like this one here. This one features a fairly ugly song.

Animated Shakespeare

Want strange animation and overly dramatic performance? See here below! Or see as much as you can handle.

William Shatner

William Shatner... need I say more?